Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Groupon - Recommended to visit

I have recently visited Groupon site for Singapore and I am really fascinated by the offers they are giving away.


  1. hi, i'm fine thanks and you?
    thank you for the compliment about my blog^^ and yes i designed the template myself^^

  2. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. I was followed your blog.
    I'm not design my blog template. I'm using from blogskin on the other site.

  3. Thanks for visit my blog ... :) your blog is nice too ..

  4. Hello! Ah, travel there:) Do not want to protect. Your blog is really cool! And thanks for visiting my blog! I am very happy that people from other countries see my blog ... since I live in Brazil, a country not very famous as the U.S., one day I'll still go and go there! My dream ... Kiss to you * Do not know if the translation is right that I put the google translator =)

  5. Hi, now i know your blog, nice and cool .. :)

  6. hii.. have a nice same dark grey blog

  7. Hi, someone called coolbro was visiting my blog maybe in January, So, I'm sorry for visit you today, I was bussy and I didn't check my blog, the direction of my blog is: www.twilighter06.blogspot.com. And yes, I did the design for myself. I hope you are right... greetings for everyone here

  8. Thanks for visit me in blog! I'm really surprised about that! cuz I'm from Venezuela, and I have so much time without write or post something in my blog! Kisses
